Saturday, October 2, 2010


This week, my post is a tutorial - not very pink - but very important as it's all about our privacy online.

I'm furious! With the new picture uploader (see my post below) Blogger has now linked Picasa and PicNik - and made all our blog images public by default! This means that ANYONE can access YOUR private pictures.

Thanks to Stephanie at Queen of Dreamz, who followed up on my post below and did a little research then emailed me (I'm eternally grateful for this) here's how to change your settings to protect your privacy - which should be the default setting.

Go to your Settings, either via Google or via Picasa. I've gone there by googling for my Picasa album.

Click on Photo Settings and take a look at those defaults!

Tick or untick as you like - read the options CAREFULLY.

Save, and now you have some peace of mind. Now spamming is even more rife than ever, Google should never ever have linked these albums. In my opinion, this is a dreadful invasion of privacy.

pink saturday

And as soon as you've done all that, please visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to see all the other wonderful Pink Saturday posts!

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