Friday, October 15, 2010


Yes, you read it right... I'm moving my blog to WordPress, and if you want to read this Saturday's Pink Saturday Post, that's right where you will find it!

Here is my new blog address:
1st Floor Flat

Why am I moving?
  1. I don't like all the upheaval with Blogger just now: the security issues with Picasa, the constant changes, and especially that sometimes my images will open full size and other times they don't... for no apparent reason.
  2. I found that WordPress is now way easier to use, plus I can install my backgrounds (as you'll see) AND they have a downloadable pdf facility - so I can make my projects downloadable for you all!

So how could I resist? 

I've already moved my Techniques blog over, and am in the process of moving this one (a monumental task as I need to check every link and video is working correctly).

I shall leave Computery and Blogology and Freebies here on Blogger, and will continue making Blogger backgrounds for you all, etc, and offering help and advice with blogging and computer stuff in general. And as you know, if I can't help I can usually suggest somebody who can.

I'm hoping all you Followers will move with me too!

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