Friday, October 28, 2011


PINK HALLOWEEN by Susie Jefferson

As it's Halloween weekend, I thought you'd like a non-scary and PINK background and header set.


Just copy and paste all the code below into an html box in your sidebar.
<style type="text/css">
body {background-image: url(""); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; }
<div id="tag" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:50px; z-index:50; width:150px; height:30px;">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img border="0" src=""/>

Right-click to bring up to full size, then left-click to save to your computer. Add your own text with your favourite graphics programmes or click 'Behind title and description'.


Here's how to centre the heading in the older templates (eg: Minima), and here is the tutorial for centering the header and removing that bar at the top that shows behind the header in some templates (eg: Simple, Watermark). I've used the Watermark template for my test blog.

Here's a fun YouTube video for not-too-scary Horror fans: the Addams Family:

I hope you all have a fun Halloween.

We don't really 'do' Halloween in the UK, although it's catching on fast - but I've been buying up B movie DVDs from the local discount shops, and have stocked up on popcorn and a couple of bottles of wine, so the plan is that Himself and I will be holed up and having a film fest all to ourselves! Can't wait!

pink saturday  

Finally, please visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound   to see all the other wonderful Pink Saturday posts!


Copyright-free image from Tack-o-Rama

I'm sure we've all noticed a heck of a lot of changes on Blogger just lately - including a new Dashboard interface, which they are currently inviting us to try.

Well, I tried it. Hated it, and changed back - and have now read on another blog: Anne's El Milagro Studio, that we're going to be made to have it whether we want it or not! When I changed back to the old Dashboard, I was asked to comment. I (and many others) have asked about whether our blog lists are private, and also whether we can hide our test blog links etc. No comment, no answer.

As I do a lot of blog makeovers (you may have noticed) I am particularly concerned as now, instead of having the email address and password of the person I'm installing the blog for (as it used to be) I now have to be invited to a blog, then made an Administrator. This means that when using the new interface their blog shows under my blog list - so I don't want other people accessing someone else's blog from my own site without their permission! So, having had NO reply whatsoever re the security and privacy issues, I reverted to the old Dashboard where at least I know what I'm doing, and the blogs I'm working on stay hidden!

There was also a Dynamic blog template available last week - a total disaster. I tried it - it was a mess. It couldn't be customised (when you wanted to go back to Design to adjust fonts, links etc, it just took you straight back into the template) and all I'll say is that it was a good thing I tried it on a test blog, not one of my 'real' ones! I've read that people were losing their entire sidebar content, etc.

I notice this has now disappeared... I'll leave you to draw your own conclusion.

And have you noticed the ads? And how Blogger are now push, push, pushing them? And how all the templates seem to be veering towards white & corporate (like WordPress -where so many of the blogs look like finance or real estate websites)? On some blogs, you can't see the content for the ads. These need to stay in the sidebar.

Copyright-free image from Tack-o-Rama
I am seriously wondering about security, what with the Picasa situation (where all your blog images and photos are up for grabs to ANYONE unless you've gone in and made your albums private - and yes, one is created FOR you when you create a blog - even though you didn't actually create a Picasa album yourself...). And every image you post to your blog goes into the Picasa site. I wonder whether Blogger is trying to get rid of all us artistic types with our tons of pix and our complicated backgrounds using up lots of bandwith. I wonder about Google altogether - with the scandal over their GoogleEarth maps invading privacy, showing closeups of people and places without permission.

Don't believe me re Picasa? Read my post on privacy and the one on finding whether you have an album, check out the links and see for yourself (better safe than sorry).

In my opinion, Blogger didn't like all the tweaks and customisations with the older templates - so have tried to move us to the new ones. So all us designers have immediately searched for tweaks and customisations for those as well. Hence their move to dynamic content (believe me, that template option will be back very shortly - shame they didn't test it properly in the first place). And I'm sure it's only the tip of the iceberg.

Blogger are trying to rival WordPress. We stayed with Blogger because WordPress is so difficult - I know, I've tried on two separate occasions (giving it around a month each time) and migrated back to Blogger again.

WordPress doesn't have the Follower widget, which I really missed. In fact, unless you sign up with (which you have to pay for) rather than (which has some freebies), you won't get much choice at all unless you love a template exactly as is, and don't want to alter it.

I've posted some tweaks: headers, backgrounds, and some of the freebie sites will work with freely available background designs (eg: Coraline, Bueno) but most WordPress templates won't - unless you pay for them. Here's my link showing how to use a Blogger background with some of the WordPress freebie templates.

Blogger has always been free - but I think they may head down this path, or else try to gain revenue to compensate (ads etc - and possibly put them onto our blogs even if we don't want them).

So I'm now trying Tumblr. This used to be very hard to customise (I tried it last year when I tried WordPress again) and I'm very happy to report they now allow you to get at the html so you can tweak! You do have to be very careful and download a copy of your blog to Notebook etc (Tumblr doesn't have a little 'Download template' button, so you have to highlight, scroll then copy&paste) but you can customise. I've already widened the posting area, inserted a background, adjusted placement and installed a custom header... so watch this space.

I'm not testing out TypePad as this is another one you have to pay for (Tumblr is free, although they have some of the fancier templates for sale). Any site that asks for my credit/debit card details before I can even have a free trial doesn't GET a trial, in my opinion. Sorry. I have used TypePad (I did a makeover for a client) and unless you purchase the most expensive option, Theme Builder, you don't have much choice re customisation either. And even then, it's limited although you can tweak some of the html.

So I'm going to try out all the available platforms out there that I can, and I'll keep you posted - and also start posting tutorials on Tumblr as soon as I've practiced a little more.

I think a lot of Blogger bloggers could be migrating....

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


William Holden and Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard

Not precisely a Halloween post, but already getting in the mood... Film Noir. A fabulous genre, circa 1940s-50s - and modern film makers just haven't got it right.

The opening sequence in the video below is Fred McMurray in Double Indemnity (have you seen that pale imitation of a remake?) These films were made by caring directors, a cast acting its socks off - and plots To Die For (often literally). Nowadays, special effects seem to have taken over from the story, which is why so many are such a disappointment. Go and rent these oldies, and wallow in some of the best films ever made.

The Endless Night - a Valentine to Film Noir (by RubyTuesday717)

How many stars can you recognise? 
I'm ashamed to say I can't name all of them. Players include (the ones I can name, anyway):

Fred MacMurray   Joseph Cotton        Orson Welles         Edward G Robinson
Bette Davis           Carole Lombard      Burt Lancaster       Richard Widmark
Ingrid Bergman     Cary Grant              Robert Mitchum     Jean Simmons
Rita Hayworth       Barbara Stanwyck  Humphrey Bogart   Googie Withers
Gloria Swanson    Michael Rennie       Lillian Gish              Ann Savage
Glenn Ford           Ava Gardner            Gene Tierney          Peter Lorre

They had style, they had class - and the black&white photography only added to the effect. The lighting was superb, the atmosphere second to none...

If I've now got you interested in Film Noir, do rent out some of these films (my all-time favourites):
  • Double Indemnity (Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck, Edward G Robinson)
  • All About Eve (Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, George Sanders)
  • Casablanca (Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman)
  • Night of the Hunter (Robert Mitchum, Lillian Gish) 
  • The Maltese Falcon (Humphrey Bogart, Peter Lorre, Sidney Greenstreet)
  • The Third Man (Michael Rennie, Orson Welles)
  • Whatever Happened to Baby Jane (Bette Davis, Joan Crawford)
  • Gilda (Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford)
  • Cat People (Simone Simon)
  • The Asphalt Jungle (Sterling Hayden)
Brassai - free background and header set

And if you fancy a freebie Film Noir-style blog background and header set rather than a conventional Halloween one, here's one of mine: Brassai

I hope you enjoyed this little trip to the Darker Side. More Film Noir posters on my Pinterest board.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Couture by Ashely David
Found on We Heart It

Some fun images I found online - evoking a Vogue vibe!

This and following pix copyright Rene Gruau

Found on WeHeartIt

Don't you just love these nail colours for Autumn/Winter? I know they aren't pink, but they'll definitely go with pink!

pink saturday

Finally, please visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to see all the other wonderful Pink Saturday posts!

Friday, October 14, 2011


It's nearly Halloween - so it's time to dress up your blog with something scary! Here's a not-too-scary freebie blinkie I just made, especially for you Pink Saturday fans.

 If you scroll down you'll see some new freebie backgrounds (also archived on Blogology - see the sidebar for even more scary stuff) and these are very scary!

Have fun...

pink saturday

Finally, please visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to see all the other wonderful Pink Saturday posts!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The header - see blow to download

Bela Lugosi was the vampires' Vampire - and this blog background for any horror fan or Goth (it's not just for Halloween) is my homage to him.


Showing a little more of the background. This is Watermark template

Just copy and paste all the code below into an html box in your sidebar.
<style type="text/css">
body {background-image: url(""); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; }
<div id="tag" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:50px; z-index:50; width:150px; height:30px;">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img border="0" src=""/>


1000 pixels wide - click the Resize for Blog if you want it smaller
If you want to customise my header with your own text, right-click the picture to open to full size then left-click to save to your own computer. Add text using your favourite graphics programme, then load up and click' Instead of Title and Description'.

Otherwise, just save the header and click 'Behind Title and Description' to use Blogger's own default header text (click the Resize button if you want it smaller) or copy the code below and enter that instead.
If you are worried about such a dark background and are wondering how my posts show with a white background, I've used the Watermark template. Just go into Design, scroll down to Advanced, and adjust your settings to taste.

I hope you have fun with this one!

Monday, October 10, 2011


Cabinet card tucks into page pocket - copyright Susie Jefferson

Cabinet card tucked into pocket - copyright Susie Jefferson
Closeup of spread without cabinet cart - copyright Susie Jefferson

I can't remember if I posted about this journal spread already - so if I did, I apologise in advance (Senior moment, lol). This was published in Craft Stamper, and here's the instructions if anyone is interested in how I did the pocket (scroll down to the bottom of the page).


I just finished the final tweaks of Meredith's 'A Mother Seeking' blog, and she's written me a lovely recommendation.

I'm so pleased she's so pleased!

This was my very first TypePad makeover (they don't give you a lot of room to maneouver in their coding so I was a littleapprehensive).  It was very much a learning curve, finding which tweaks would work and which wouldn't - and I'm really happy with the final outcome.

I hope you like it too!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Wordress - Coraline template
I've just put a brief tutorial on to my Computery blog on how to add freebie backgrounds to WordPress and TypePad blogs.

Hope it helps - now you can make your blogs more spiffy too!

You'll notice it's the identical background I've used on Blogology (which is where you'll find the coding for the background - see the post below as well) and I'm using WordPress's freebie template 'Coraline'.


HORROR SHOW 2011 - freebie background from my Blogology blog
Here's my Halloween background (also for any Goths, horror movie fans etc) which I've tweaked for 2011 - the background is wider to accommodate bigger monitors (it's 1800 pixels wide) and with extra helpings of horror added, lol.

Just copy and paste all the code below into an html box in your sidebar.
<style type="text/css">
body {background-image: url(""); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; }
<div id="tag" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:50px; z-index:50; width:150px; height:30px;">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img border="0" src=""/>


980 pixels wide
If you want to customise my header with your own text, right-click the picture to open to full size then left-click to save to your own computer. Add text using your favourite graphics programme, then load up and click' Instead of Title and Description'.

Otherwise, just save the header and click 'Behind Title and Description' to use Blogger's own default header text - or copy the code below and enter that instead.

For standard header widths, see my earlier version here: HORROR SHOW


Here's how to centre the heading in the older templates (eg: Minima), and here is the tutorial for centering the header and removing that bar at the top that shows behind the header in some templates (eg: Simple, Watermark).