Friday, July 10, 2009


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I've got a fun one for you this week: SPAGHETTI!

Does it qualify for Pink Saturdays? Well, if you'd seen my white Tshirt afterwards... I'd say Yes!

Here's how to COOK Spaghetti Bolognese (see below for instructions on how to eat it correctly).

Italian: How To Make Spaghetti Bolognese

And here's how to EAT it!

Anyhow, here you are - the most charming cartoons by Giovannetti!

Found in a 1952 edition of Punch magazine, I tore these out to keep them. I could kick myself now that I didn't save the whole magazine. However...

Well, you know how it is - put stuff in a safe place... they finally resurfaced after around 3 years! I was looking for something else, of course... These were tucked in an old photo album (stashed with the autograph album I scanned last week) and I was ACTUALLY looking for old photographs.

For those of you who are interested, here's a couple of links about Giovannetti: and a blog post with another series of cartoons on Cura Romana.

It's obvious he really loved hamsters. After seeing these, I could warm to them myself. These definitely have the "AAAAAaaaaaah!" factor.

Go here to visit Beverly at How Sweet The Sound and to see all the other Pink Saturday posts!

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