Teardrop logo copyright Maidenshade
This is what it's all about:
- Go to the 6th folder of your pictures
- Find the 6th picture and tell a story about it
- List 6 other bloggers you’d like to see participate (NO obligation)
The 6th folder in My Pictures is my Blog folder, and this is the 6th picture in it.
I needed something as a header for my website (just finished rewriting it yet again). So I needed something fairly wide, not too tall. And how to name it? The old site was susiejefferson.com and the new one is 1stfloorflat.co.uk... so I wanted to combine the two. So here you are, courtesy of Photoshop.
The hand itself is a digital clipart outline of a palmistry diagram, from which I made a tape transfer, collaging it over acrylics, tissue paper and old sheet music in an altered book, which I then cutaway from its background via Photoshop, layering the text on top. Here's the result.
Now for 6 people to nominate ... this was so hard! So, in no particular order as I love and admire them all ...
Gillian Allen
Corinne Stubson
June MacFarlane
And now to tell them they all got volunteered...
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