Friday, April 3, 2009


It's been a busy week!

Copyright-free image from Tack-o-Rama

First I had the competition on the BladeRubberBlog to finalise - we (being Graham & Kaye, who own BladeRubberStamps, and Freyja who also teaches there) had to decide the ten finalists. Which are now chosen, and I have put them up on the blog (anonymously) with a poll for people to vote for their favourite piece of artwork. The standard was really high - I'd hate to have to choose between them!

Then the vote for the new page title finished: and so Computery was born. This page is going to have tips, tricks, how-to's - anything and everything computery, tecchie, that doesn't fit anywhere else.

The first entry (tonight!) is how to make your own computer screensavers. I expect most of you will know this already, but for those who don't... I'm hoping this is going to be a really useful resource, and I'd like you to feel free to email me with suggestions and solutions you found out (the hard way, no doubt, just like me!)

I'm quite thrilled with this - it's made me get to grips with Photoshop a little more to make headers and buttons (which will also go onto Computery).

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