Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I got an email today which really cheered me up - years ago (at least 6 years ago) I hosted a recipe swap on the Stampsmith and UKPaperArts Yahoo groups - and Linda still had the recipe book!

This was a Japanese Stab-bound book that I made: a copy for everybody, to bind the recipes that were sent in. The rules were easy: send a postcard with your fave recipe on it, printed or written any way you liked, and another postcard to illustrate it in the same way. They had to be separate so I could mount them on facing pages. So I got a couple of odd ones, and solved the problem by putting a couple of collage pages in to fill any spaces.

So here it is in all its glory - maybe not the best scans in the world (I have improved a bit since then) a little blurry, but you can make out most of the recipes clearly enough. If you are a chocolate lover, check out my recipe for Helga's Chocolate Truffles...

It was a lot of fun, and I think I really must do this one again sometime! BTW, if anyone is desperate for any of the recipes, email me and I'll send it on.

I hope you all enjoy this little trip down Memory Lane.

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