Saturday, October 11, 2008


I'm in a down mood tonight - the usual: the stupid computer is playing up again. So I feel like this (left).

I'm of an age where I shouldn't sulk or scream. As an adult rational being I should be able to cope with this calmly and serenely.

Whereas I feel more like chewing the carpet - or seeing whether the damn machine can swim (after I use a sledgehammer....)

After numerous phone calls, the tecchie guys have decided that although I am but a feeble brainless female who can't tell a jpg from a url, that the machine isn't behaving properly and may actually have a fault! So finally it looks like the very expensive extended insurance may pay off - I am actually getting a Personal Visit from a Technician on Wednesday. Which might actually fix the problem - the machine needs reformatting (ie: wiping the memory off completely and reprogramming from scratch) and guess what? They don't give you reboot discs, only recovery discs - so I can't do this myself. And they now think the recovery disc is probably corrupt anyway! Oh joy....

I'll put it this way... if this doesn't fix it, never mind the 2 years the insurance still has to run, this machine is out the window and I'm going shopping! Watch this space.


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