Thursday, December 15, 2011


Kaye (co-owner of BladeRubber Stamps) and I were chatting, as you do, when I took the wreath in for her shop window - and I happened to mention my Christmas decorations (3 trees this year). Kaye couldn't believe I could get 3 Christmas trees in the one living room. Hah! Oh yes I could!

Panning around the room, starting from the far left, here's Tree No 1 (4ft) next to the television. One of my Configuration boxes to the right of the television.
Closeup of Tree No 1 (4ft): Santa at the top, and two sets of lights, glitter reindeer standing underneath
The TV bench is on the left of this door, lights strung right around up at the ceiling and Tree No 2 (6ft) with 3 sets of lights and another Santa. Another Configuration box is on top of the bookcase.
Closeup, showing Tree No 2's tree skirt. Fireplace on the right.
Tree No 2 (6ft tree) on left, Tree No 3 (3ft tree) next to the computer desk on the right. Fire in the middle, with Santa lights on the mantlepiece. Tree No 3 has only the one set of lights and now feels very underdressed.
That's it for now... you can tell I just adore Christmas!

How are your decorations coming along? Got your tree up yet?

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