Friday, May 15, 2009


Copyright-free images from Tack-o-Rama
(whose website is also written in MS Front Page)

It's been the mother of all busy weeks this week- and a comedy of errors.

I have mentioned my old website ad nauseum: written in Microsoft's Front Page (as is Tack-o-Rama, by the way) which Microsoft in their wisdom have decided not to support any longer. Yada yada yada. Which is a real bummer.

So my web server no longer supported it on the plan I had with them (and I haven't updated it in nearly a year because of this).

So I bought another programme - supposedly easy to use, nice picture galleries etc etc - and after 8 false starts and most of a week's work, I uploaded it on Wednesday. I absolutely hated it! It took forever to load onto my desktop - and around 2 hours to upload to the web (I had very little on it, too, just the basic skeleton 5 headers: Contact, About, etc - not even any galleries yet). But even with previews, you can't really tell how these things are going to work until they go live.

SO ... I got back in touch with my web server to ask for help, and lo and behold, they have ANOTHER plan which is Windows based, not Linux (?????) so after a day and a half of intensive work, I have managed to resurrect my old website... on... Front Page! Am I happy - you betcha!

Turns out when they updated their systems, I was left on the Linux one. I can't kick off about it because it was my own fault not checking things out - so now I am back to the website I had before I updated the last time. Green is not my favourite colour as a background, so I will try to change it later (it keeps defaulting back, but I'm now out of patience). So there you go.

Give it at least until Saturday to see if it loads up properly - one has to come off the system worldwide before the other one "takes". If it still defaults to the Plesk Control Panel (?) please try later. Meantime, I'll be the little voice in the corner screaming quietly whilst I try to publish it again...

Here it is:

I have to say I have a great glow of achievement - emails transferred, web forwarding and all of that done... and the basic site looks OK for now. I'll be adding the galleries back over the weekend, as I need to check all the links and make sure everything works correctly. This was an old monster in the end, and needs a lot of pruning.

Hope you like it when you see it, and of course comments will be very welcome.
  • Tell me what you think: put on all the old altered book and card galleries? Or just new stuff.
  • Put up old magazine articles (full projects & how-to details)? Or would they be too out of date.
I'm going to get it right this time!

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