Friday, May 7, 2010


Welcome to the movies!

lylebettger1 jansterling10

Lyle Bettger & Jan Sterling – photos copyright The Bone Orchard

DoubleIndemnityPOster I love the old movies - most had a glamour and elegance you just don't see today.

Especially the old gangster movies: the Film Noir genre.

The men were Tough Guys, the women were Women with Attitude, and the plots (and one-liners) were lethal!

This week's Pink Saturday post is inspired by this YouTube film by RubyTuesday717 - I just had to share!

Watch with the sound ON for maximum effect - the soundtrack (Massive Attack) is wonderful.


I wonder how many stars you recognised? Here are just some I recognised immediately (that shows my age, lol):
Fred MacMurray : Richard Widmark : Burt Lancaster : Edward G Robinson : Robert Mitchum : Humphrey Bogart : Peter Lorre : James Cagney : Orson Welles : Sterling Heyden : Barbara Stanwyck : Bette Davis : Jean Simmons : Carole Lombard : Ingrid Bergman 
This week's Blog of The Week is Stephanie at Queen of Dreamz - who has an enormous blog with loads of wonderful links. She hired me to help with the coding, and has completely restructured her blog from the ground up. There's a lot of work behind the scenes you probably won't even notice: extra widget boxes sized to the sidebars, vertical divider which goes right to the bottom of the sidebar/posting area etc - we worked together over several sessions for the better part of three days !

What you will see is the result - bigger, brighter, clearer, cleaner - easier to navigate and with wonderful BIG pictures. I hope you'll go and visit, and praise her for all her hard work.

pink saturday

Finally, don’t forget to visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to see all the other wonderful Pink Saturday posts!

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